Practitioners Membership

We would like to invite you to join the Mindfulness Association Membership.

Practising with a community of like minded people is an invaluable support to help us sustain a regular and ongoing personal practice.Therefore, we set up the membership to do this.

The benefits of Mindfulness Association Membership include Spring and Autumn live online membership weekends led by our tutor team, fortnightly members teachings and access to exclusive content.

Why not join and meditate with us

if you have already had an introductory 6 months membership and want to sign up again please contact

Monthly Members' Teaching Sit

Members' Pledge

I have or intend to have a daily mindfulness practice.
I intend to embody mindfulness and compassion as core values in my life.
I will to be kind and respectful to the other members of the Mindfulness Association Membership in my online communications with them.


Please click the ‘Join Now’ button to begin your 6 month membership trial for £10.

When you sign up for the Introductory Membership offer, after 6 months you will automatically be upgraded to Full Annual Membership at a cost of £48 per year, which will be charged to the card you used to pay for your Introductory Membership.

Thereafter, the annual subscription fee will be charged annually.  To leave the MA Membership, at any time please contact ‘‘.


  • Spring and Autumn Online Membership weekends + optional retreat
    • Retreat offered at members discounted rate
  • Live monthly online teaching
  • Weekly Digest – with teachings, guided practices and latest news and course offerings
  • Access to guided practice audios and our archive of video teachings
  • Priority booking and reduced prices for our conferences and events
  • Individual meditation practice advice
  • Mindfulness Association member logo to use on your letterhead and promotional material
  • Access to our Mindfulness Association Membership site

Online Members Access

  • Access to our video and audio archive of talks and conference presentations by Rob Nairn and other internationally renowned teachers.
  • Access to guided mindfulness, compassion and insight practices led by Mindfulness Association tutors.
  • Access to the recorded live teachings for those who have not been able to attend

Teachers Membership

If you have trained (and been assessed as ready) to teach one of our courses, and you meet the the UK Good Practice Guidelines (GPGs) for Mindfulness Teachers, then we would love for you to join the Mindfulness Association’s Teacher Membership.  You can unsubscribe at any point by mailing

Please note that Teacher Membership is an add-on to Practitioner Membership so you must also have Practitioner Membership in order to be a Teacher Member.

Monthly Members' Teaching Sit

Teacher Members' Pledge

I have or intend to have a daily mindfulness practice.
I intend to embody mindfulness and compassion as core values in my life.
I will to be kind and respectful to the other members of the Membership in my online communications with them.

Write to to join

Teacher Training Membership

If you are between Level 1 teaching and Level 2 of the MBLC and are yet to attend the 5 day MBLC retreat – you can join our Teacher Trainer Membership for £15 which will give you access to regular support sessions allow you to attend the free teacher membership CPD sessions, and access to the CPD recorded archive on the Teacher members site.

Email Helen or Alan at to sign up.


  • Teacher members will have all the benefits of being a practitioner member.
  • Teacher members will be listed on MA website as an approved MBLC teacher and will be able to use an approved MBLC teacher logo on their marketing material.
  • Teachers will be able to attend a monthly online CPD session with an MA teacher trainer, on topics to be decided by the teacher membership. This will help to meet ongoing UK Good Practice Guidelines CPD requirements (annual retreat and supervision will also be required).
  • For MBLC courses taking place in the UK, official MA course-completion certificates and ‘What Next?’ leaflets will be sent to teachers to give out to those completing their MBLC courses.

Online Members Access

In addition to all of the Practitioner Member benefits, Teacher Members are provided with the following on the membership site:

  • the ability to engage in online CPD activities
  • the ability to order course-completion certificates for MBLC participants (UK-based teachers only)
  • access to our Teacher Listing which allows teachers to enter their details in to a database that is searchable by members of the public looking for a mindfulness or compassion teacher
  • access to a download page for the Teacher Member logos for use in your marketing materials

Courses To Train to Teach

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