Introduction to Mindfulness – Online Email Course
A warm welcome to the Mindfulness Association’s FREE Online Introduction to Mindfulness course.
This is a great opportunity to find out a little about Mindfulness without any commitment, in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace, in your own time.
Each week for 4 weeks, we will send you an email that includes video and audio practices taken from our Level 1 course – Being Present. The course information is below. Please click the booking button and we will send you the first week’s course!
If you have any questions then please email us at info@mindfulnessassociation.net
We hope you enjoy the course.
Come practice with us!
Weekly Topics
What is Mindfulness?
We start with looking at What Mindfulness is and our present moment experience.
Automatic Pilot
We look at automatic pilot and our settling the mind practice.
Daily Tips
Daily tips and mindful eating practice.
Kindness in Daily Life
Happiness and wellbeing for ourselves and others.
Automatic Pilot Continued
We continue to look at our automatic pilot and a 3 monute breating space practice.
The attitude we bring to our Mindfulness practice is one of kindly curiosity and self-acceptance regardless of what is happening in the moment.
Grounding practice establishes a sense of being embodied, which means having a sense of being present within the body.
Mindful Walking
Tutor led videos on Mindful Walking Practices.
Daily Tips
We look at grounding tips that we can use in our daily life.
Kindness to Ourselevs
Looking at Kindness to our bodies and minds.
The Importance of Self Kindness
Tutor led videos on the importance of being kind to ourselves
Daily Tips
Tips for smiling more in our daily lives.