Online Practice Day: Mystical Poetry of Gratitude and Awe
Mystical Poetry of Gratitude and Awe
with Fay Adams 10am – 4pm
Poetry is a particularly beautiful medium with which both gratitude and awe can be expressed. Arguably nothing captures these feelings better! Gratitude is perhaps more soft and connecting, while awe’s heart-stopping, jaw-dropping tingles connect us to what is vaster than us. Both provide us with a particular kind of helpful inner alchemy that nudges us closer to what is precious and mysterious about existence. Research tells us that these feelings influence our sense of self and our relationship to the world, bringing humility, expansion, generosity and a loosening of egocentricity.
On this retreat day we’ll receive a diverse range of poems on this theme in a mindful way. We’ll be allowing ourselves to let go of figuring poems out or feeling we should ‘get’ them and instead we’ll practice trusting that they will work on us if we can sit in an embodied and present way. Each poem takes us on a journey and many poems have a gift to give us. Where will this day take you and what gifts will you receive?
Expect some time for introducing the theme and sharing experiences in the first and last sessions, with the main bulk of the day in friendly silence.