We are delighted to share with you a selection of Mindfulness Goodies for you to download and share as well as courses and recordings to enhance your practice.

FREE Daily Meditation
Join a group online for a guided practice
Every weekday at 10:30am and 7pm you are welcome to join our online guided Mindfulness meditation with one of our tutors.

FREE online Mindfulness Course
The perfect introduction to Mindfulness
Sign up for this free online course where you will receive guided audio and video teachings by email over 4 weeks.
FREE Monthly Mindfulness Calendars
Download our Monthly Calendar
Our calendars provide a daily moment of mindfulness throughout the month.

FREE Meditations
Watch on YouTube
Our 30 minute Mindfulness meditations are free to view on You Tube
FREE Infographics
Download PDFs of our infographics
Our infographics provide an insight into Mindfulness and Compassion
Feel free to download and share.
FREE Rob Nairn Talks
Listen to Rob Nairn Talks on SoundCloud
Enjoy three of our Rob Nairn talks from our archive.
Feel free to download and share.