Our Mindfulness Association apps provide all of the guided practices for our Level 1 – Level 3 of our Mindfulness courses, Being Present, Mindfulness Level 2 – Responding with Compassion and Insight. It is a wonderful resource for our trained MBLC teachers and any of their participants who take the course.

We no longer have a separate app for teachers and participants of the Mindful Based Living Course for Young Adults – but we have more information about qualified teachers of this course here.

The practices on our apps include mindfulness, compassion and insight practices and the audio files.



The Mindfulness Association App is free and can be found on App Store for those using IOS devices.

Simply type in the words: Mindfulness Association App and your choice of practices will be at your fingertips!



The Mindfulness Association App is free and can be found on Play Store for those using Android devices.

Simply type in the words: Mindfulness Association App and your choice of practices will be at your fingertips!



You can access the practices from our MBLC, CBLC and MBLC-YA courses here.

All of which can be found in one place on this page.