Let’s Sit Together

Join Our FREE Daily Online Guided Mindfulness Meditation


10:30 – 11am and 7 – 8pm

 Monday to Friday

Followed By Tea And Company




Daily Sit Recordings

During the pandemic we quickly realised that a daily online meditation would provide a connecting support that might benefit those who were struggling with illness and isolation… In challenging times, the need for connecting comes to the foreground. However, we believe mindfulness is for life, and so we felt it would be of global benefit to continue the sessions after the pandemic, for everyone. It is important to maintain our mindfulness practice even when things are going smoothly for us. The fruits of mindfulness practice can be felt in challenging times as we find ourselves responding in calmer, kinder ways to ourselves, and to the situations and people around us.

So we are continuing to offer our free daily online guided mindfulness meditations. You will have a chance to meet some of our tutors, and find out whether our approach is one that suits you, and we are sure you will find a warm and welcoming mindfulness community at the daily sits. Our sessions are suitable for everyone, and beginners are most welcome.

Do join us, any or every weekday for a nourishing practice and the sense of connection and togetherness, whatever else is happening!

If you’d like to sign up to our monthly newsletter to find out what’s on, please click the newsletter sign up button or email us at

Safety Information

Mindfulness Is Proven To Be Beneficial For Mental Health And Wellbeing In The Right Circumstances, But Please Note These Mindfulness Practice Sessions Are Not A Treatment For Mental Health Problems Or Addiction

Download Safety Guidelines

Can you Help?

If you enjoy the free sessions – a small donation to the Everyone Project will help others to receive our courses, who would otherwise not be able to.

The MA tutor team lead the daily sits on a voluntary basis. If you find the sits beneficial and if you are able to, the tutor team would be delighted if you could make a donation to the Everyone Project. In this way we can all continue to support each other through the benefits of mindfulness. Just £5 will pay for one session of the Mindfulness Based Living Course to be delivered to one person.

See for more information about our work. Thank you!

You can donate using the button on the right.