Felt really quite excited as I headed to Samye Ling for the Mindfulness Association reunion weekend. Even the jarring potholes didn’t dampen my spirits!
But I struggled… Unable to get into the practices. The inner critic was on full volume. By the Saturday morning coffee break I was ready to give up and go home. So I lay down at the back of the room, feeling very heavy and just surrendered. Then I heard the last echo and it all changed… A lightness, a warmth, less in my head more in my body. A playfulness woke up within me. Less serious, more connected to myself and people in the room. One strawberry in a field of strawberries. A few days later a poem appeared. The title is a two word anagram which includes a friend who helped a lot of people that weekend. Last Echo The armour weighs heavy No room, no beat Where is the space? Can’t feel my feet The battle is lost Surrender, surrender Lie down, let go Mind, just wander Melody to last echo, The silence is bliss A soft voice within me ‘Not so serious’ The flavour is full The strawberry heart beats The body is warm Can totally feel my feet! The young soul is awoken The I becomes the We Less lonely, more connected The forest and the tree The last echo is heard Forgive and be free The drop is the ocean It will always be We.
Lisa Hellier.
Our Guest poem is from Navin Arora
Read More Mindfulness Poetry …HERE…
If you enjoy poetry, and mindfulness! look out for our Mindfulness Meets Mystical Poetry course with Fay Adams in November.
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