We hope you’ll join us!
The next in the series of research forums hosted by the Mindfulness Association to showcase research from the Masters in Mindfulness Studies programme at the University of Aberdeen is taking place on Thursday 6 June
We hope that you will be interested in attending and invite you to join us on Zoom.
This week we will be hearing from two graduates of the Masters programme,
We will be hearing from two graduates of the Masters programme, Lisa Bolger Hynes and Martin Kettle who will each give a short presentation on their research followed by the opportunity for questions.
Lisa used a mixed-method approach to examine the experience of and relationship between work-related stress and compassion in a public sector workplace. Martin focused on the experience of self-compassion in social workers as a protective factor against stress and compassion fatigue using a phenomenological methodology.
The forum will be facilitated by Dr Jane Kellock.
We look forward to seeing you!
Please GO TO THE RESEARCH FORUM PAGE for the link to join us on ZOOM