We now have a limited number of day places available for the 2017 Samye Ling conference: Mindfulness in Society, exclusive to MA Members only for £70.00 per day! Please book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Each day will begin with an hour of guided meditation from 8-9am and the first keynote speech will begin at 9.30am. Lunch will be 12.30pm till 2.30pm with MBLC poster presentations taking place for an hour from 1.30pm. The final session each day will begin at 7.00pm and end at 8.30pm.
On Friday 16th June you can enjoy keynote speeches from Professor Paul Gilbert and Vidyamala Burch in the morning and then a choice to attend a workshop with either Paul or Vidyamala in the afternoon. There is a selection of MA master classes to choose from late afternoon such as Level 1: Being Present, Level 2: Responding with Compassion, Level 3: Seeing Deeply or Compassionate Movement from 4.30-6.00pm. The day will end with a showing of the film Akong: A Remarkable Life on Friday evening.
On Saturday 17th June we have Dr. Rick Hanson and Sharon Salzberg presenting keynote speeches in the morning and then a choice to attend a workshop with either Rick or Sharon in the afternoon. There is a selection of MA taster sessions to chose from late afternoon such as a Teaching Skills, Compassion at work, Engaged Mindfulness or Buddhist Foundations from 4.30-6.00pm. The final session of the day from 7.00-8.30pm will include research presentations from the University of Aberdeen staff and MSc presentations from some of the students.
For more information and to book: please email info@mindfulnessassociation.net
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