Here you can find the latest News and Events from the Mindfulness Association.
One of the features of our 2017 Summer Conference: Mindfulness In Society- Changing The World, One Mind At A Time is a series of Masters Classes that will be run by our Core Tutor team. Angie Ball and Anna Zubrzycki will be delivering a Master Class that explores a unique blend of Compassionate touch and…
Being like a mountain It came as a surprise to me initially that the ongoing work we do in mindfulness training involved so much bodywork or embodiment (why is it called mindfulness? I found myself asking). Grounding in the body comes on the back of our settling the mind practices and this “somatic descent” is…
I have just returned from teaching Compassion Module 3 at Samye Ling Buddhist Monastery and in this module we are approaching compassion for others, in weekend 2 we focused on self compassion. It has been many years since my compassion training with Rob Nairn and I remember it clearly and especially this weekend with Tonglen…
The Mindfulness Association’s Level 4 training was developed to support and inspire people following on from Mindfulness, Compassion and Insight Trainings. Even though we may have experienced positive personal changes arising from our practice and even though we may have seen our life situations and relationships with others become not perfect but certainly a bit…
I am in Cape Town for a month and the weather has been sunny and hot every day. It is like a different world to Scotland. I have been spending time with my mother and old friends. I have also been spending time with Rob Nairn working on the structure for a book on Insight.…
It is with great pleasure that I can announce that my colleagues Ani Tselha, Chris Penlington and I are co-delivering the Level 1 Mindfulness Training: Being Present for the Mindfulness Association in Newcastle upon Tyne at Northumbria University. 8th and 9th April 2017 24th and 25th June 2017 23rd-24th September 2017 4th-5th November 2017 This…
The Wonder of the Everyday 6 Week Online Course on Mindfulness in Daily Life with Fay Adams and Jane Negrych 10 Jan – 21 February 2017 Live sessions on Tuesday evenings 7pm – 8.30pm: 17, 24, 31 Jan and 7, 14, 21 Feb Including: 8 specially pre-recorded videos of up to 40 minutes 6 ten…
Hello from MA HQ. We hope that you are well! The team have been busy as always, and we are nearly ready to launch the new MA website which we are all very excited about. We hope that our MA members will like it as it has been a real labour of love. Alas, Heather,…
As a Mindfulness Teacher, I have felt quite blessed. I have been fortunate enough to teach the 8 week MBLC locally, in my home community where I live in Ireland; while at the same time, travelling afar and teaching on the Mindfulness Association’s 4 weekend Practitioner Certificate courses. It has been an incredibly rich experience…