Here you can find the latest News and Events from the Mindfulness Association.
Help yourself to our free Mindfulness Calendar for April – this month we are focusing on the Observer and Undercurrent model of the mind. Noticing thoughts and how we can get lost in them! Download the calendar for use on screen or print it out to stick to your fridge..HERE> APRIL CALENDAR 2023 We hope…
The power of mindful breathing. Each morning in March, we are inviting you to try waking up with a conscious breath. Breathing in, opening to what’s here… breathing out letting go. The body, breathing itself. Soothing, soft and allowing. Each day brings a new way to become mindful of breath, bringing you home to yourself.…
Cultivating Presence Retreat – 10-15th March – with Alan Hughes As mindfulness teachers, our presence is one of the fundamental qualities that we bring to our teaching. This reflects the stability of our mindfulness; the extent to which we are grounded in awareness itself. Mindful awareness increasingly becomes our reference point, rather than the contents…
“Listen to silence. It has so much to say.” — Rumi THIS ONLINE RETREAT IS FOR MEMBERS OF THE MINDFULNESS ASSOCIATION (You can join for just £10 – read more about that HERE) COST: £137.50 Retreat offers a wonderful opportunity to deepen our mindfulness practice, step out of our daily routines, and recharge our…
You can join our Membership and our Membership Practice Weekend for just £10 Our Free Membership Practice weekend is coming up soon! on the 10-12th March, Enjoy a weekend with others, with a lovely balance of talks, teachings and guided mindfulness practice, it’s a great opportunity to revisit practices, and share time with our community…
Welcome to February – This month we are focusing our attention on living well, with mindfulness and compassion as our guides. Our calendar offers you prompt each day to focus the mind and heart. Spring is on its way! *********************************************************************************************** DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE CALENDAR HERE> FEBRUARY 2023 copy *********************************************************************************************** MINDFULNESS SUPPORT IN FEBRUARY: FREE DAILY…
New Year Life Values – What are yours? Download our January calendar for free and you’ll have daily support thtoughout the month guiding you mindfully, gently bringing you back to what’s important for you this month. We wish you a fulfilling year ahead and hope you enjoy the calendar. Please feel free to share it…
We have extended our Daily Meditation offerings and we hope you can join us over the festive season. You’ll now be able to join us over the Christmas and New Year weekends…. so Christmas Eve, Christmas day and Boxing Day sits will be at 10.30am and New Years Eve and New years Day at 7pm…
In recognition that times might be a little tough at the moment and this is the time to turn towards Mindfulness rather than away, we have come up with a page of Mindfulness Freebies for you to bring some Mindfulness into your life. The Freebies include a twice daily guided Mindfulness meditation online with one…