Here you can find the latest News and Events from the Mindfulness Association.
This month we are focusing our attention on self-compassion and happiness. Our free December calander offers a prompt each day to stay connected with your intention – to simply be kind(er) to yourself; you could use each day as a focus for practice… Paradoxically to the mind…turning towards self-compassion is how we cultivate and connect…
Celebrate the wonder of the everyday with our free November calendar. With mindfulness prompts each day to keep you connected with your practice in your daily life. TO DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE NOVEMBER CALENDAR CLICK HERE > NOVEMBER CALENDAR 2022 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Wonder of the Everyday is our popular New Year’s Mindfulness Course on a Wednesday…
Please feel free to download our October calendar. At the Mindfulness Association we offer the long pathway. No shortcuts no quick fixes we start where we are, in each moment. Our pathway is deep – we begin with mindfulness then we slowly begin to cultivate compassion, and insight, then wisdom through our experiential and in-depth…
Wednesday 28th September – Join us at 7pm You are welcome to attend our online open evening with Q&A. Join us to meet with tutors from our MSc Teaching Mindfulness and Compassion course. This relaxed session is a chance to find out about this unique teaching course and to ask any questions you may have.…
This month our theme for September is The Buddhist Roots of Mindfulness. We hope you enjoy your free calendar – you can dowload it below. Each day a reflection is offered on the Buddhist roots of Mindfulness which may help to deepen your practice and understanding of the Buddhist underpinnings of Mindfulness. If you follow…
This month let’s practice seeing our world and our place within it with fresh eyes. Perhaps our fresh eyes will bring fresh ideas of how to engage with our world. We don’t have to aim for grand heroics, small is beautiful! Our Engaged Mindfulness course is running again beginning in September. This calendar gives you…
Master’s Degree in Mindfulness online open evening Join us! Have you been thinking about the part time Master’s degree MSc Studies in Mindfulness? We are holding an open evening on 11 July at 7pm for anyone who is interested in learning more about the ‘Studies in Mindfulness’ Masters degree at the University of Aberdeen. People…
Free July Calendar – Compassion and Mindful Movement Download our free FREE JULY CALENDAR with a prompt each day to keep you moving, and with support to help you cultivate an attitude of self-compassion. We are so happy to be able to offer in-person retreat weekends again over the coming months have a look at what’s…
Why Practise Mindfulness? The Evidence Base Download our free JUNE CALENDAR and find out about the latest research – the mind and health benefits arising from cultivating a regular mindfulness practice. At the Mindfulness Association we believe mindfulness is something that can benefit you (and those around you!) and we are here to help you…