the humble raisin as a portal to mindfulness and beyond

The Humble Raisin as a Portal

The Humble Raisin is a portal to Mindfulness and beyond! How can a humble raisin possibly be a portal not only to the world of Mindfulness, but to the subtle thinking and emotional realm that goes on just beneath consciousness and then further down into the root of compassionate energy and a sense of connection…

Kitchen Table Mindfulness

Kitchen Table Mindfulness

When one is able to overcome the romantic and emotional attitude, one discovers truth even in the kitchen sink. Chögyam Trungpa This morning, with my bare feet planted onto the kitchen floor, flat and smooth, my small brown earthenware coffee cup warms my hands as I look into the windswept garden. It’s really blustery outside.…

becoming mindful

Becoming Mindful

Hi There, welcome back to my Mindful Futures blog! Over the weekend I took part in my first ever mindfulness course, the level one being present. I really enjoyed myself, admittedly more than I was expecting to. I think my dog also quite enjoyed it, she spent the first day sat by my side snoozing…

Whats holding you back

What’s holding you back?

TRAINING TO TEACH MINDFULNESS – THE MBLC RETREAT I don’t really want to be a teacher, I said, as I applied for the course. Fear was pulling me back, but something stronger was pulling me – compassion to share all this with others. Facing fears in the MBLC Teaching retreat, accepting, meeting and looking deeply…