Mindfully Unwell

One of those strange phenomena of being human is that we get ill.  This body sometimes gets tired, and it also succumbs to a wide variety of viruses and bugs thrown at it daily. This body also has the possibility of becoming sick with diseases that can take us by surprise. I would regard myself…

Compassion and eating behaviour

Compassion and Eating Behaviour

I am currently working with my friend Michaela (Ki) James on the delivery of a new Mindfulness Based Healthy Living course. Key focuses of this course are self-compassion and healthy eating habits. Last week in the course we explored the obesogenic environment and the evolved human condition and concluded that we are in a fight…

Kitchen Table Mindfulness

Kitchen Table Mindfulness

  When one is able to overcome the romantic and emotional attitude, one discovers truth even in the kitchen sink. Chögyam Trungpa   This morning, with my bare feet planted onto the kitchen floor, flat and smooth, my small brown earthenware coffee cup warms my hands as I look into the windswept garden. It’s really…

mindful movement

Mindful Movement with Qigong

We practice mindful movement with the same attitude that we bring to sitting meditation, without striving or forcing. We practice accepting our body as we find it, in the present, from one moment to the next” Jon Kabat-Zinn   Whilst teaching QiGong at the Autumn Members Retreat, I was asked to recommend a book on…