New! Compassion Based Living Course Book

New! Compassion Based Living Course Book

New Compassion Based Living Course Book  LINK TO SEE THE BOOK! The Compassion Based Living Course, is a self-guided compassion course based on Choden and Heather’s fifteen years’ experience of teaching in depth compassion meditation courses to thousands of students. It draws on compassion teachings and practices from Mahayana Buddhism, which have been adapted to…


Spiralling Towards Freedom

New Mindfulness Course Starting in January 2025   Course Link: Mindfulness Level One Monday Evenings Do you ever have a feeling of exasperation at the pace of your own learning? That sense that you’re coming up against the same patterns, or you again experience a very familiar set of feelings, and you hear yourself say:…

World Mindfulness Day

World Mindfulness Day

Knowing What is Happening While it is Happening Our definition of Mindfulness from the founder of the Mindfulness Association – Rob Nairn World Mindfulness Day has been celebrated on the 12th September since 2011 as a way of raising awareness of the benefits of mindfulness.  People from all backgrounds across the world have come together…

Clarity - Martin Bril

Clarity – Martin Bril

What we want: Moments Of lucidity Or better yet: of crystal clarity Rare are those moments And thoroughly hidden Searching hardly Pays off, but Finding does The art is to live  So that it comes to pass That clarity, now and then by Martin Bril translated from Dutch by Kristine   This poem, by the Dutch writer and…


Naturally Being Blog

I am sitting in a retreat led by Rupert Spira this week, at home, online. Rupert Spira teaches the direct path and pathless path to non-dual awareness or naturally being. I relate to his teachings very strongly and find that his style is similar to the style of my first and main meditation teacher Rob…


Mindfulness and Stress

A friend of mine, who’s also a long-term meditator, recently fessed up that she’s often a bit embarrassed to admit when she is feeling stressed. If mindfulness helps with stress (and it does, as has been shown in research studies countless times), then shouldn’t she be continuously cool and ‘zen’ by now, rather than let…