Maybe Tomorrow

This last weekend, I have been teaching with Choden on the insight module of the Masters in Mindfulness. The material we presented was a bit different from usual, as the two of us are half way through writing a book with Rob Nairn on this subject. We covered the same themes: the key insight practices…

The Red Zone!

I am not feeling my usual self at the moment. I am more reactive, impulsive and my resistance to choosing to practice or to follow the options to promote well-being is through the ceiling. I am moving house, but surely that couldn’t be the problem? So, I googled this morning what the most stressful life…

Free Will

I am now on my flight home from India to Manchester and looking forward to spending time with my family, including the dogs over the Easter break, before getting back to work on Tuesday. I used the time last week in India, after the training ended, to do take some retreat time to practice and…

Mindfulness for Life Retreat 2017

The Mindfulness Association’s Level 4 training was developed to support and inspire people following on from Mindfulness, Compassion and Insight Trainings.  Even though we may have experienced positive personal changes arising from our practice and even though we may have seen our life situations and relationships with others become not perfect but certainly a bit…