
Where Does Racism Live in Me?

Next baby steps towards addressing unconscious racism Last week I found myself writing about the automatic denial and defensiveness I saw in myself when I was presented with an opportunity to work on discovering how racism might live in me. This response, I later discovered, is typical for a white person. Apparently, many of us…


Driving My Bus

Last week I was involved in delivering the members retreat, which continued on after the members weekend from Sunday afternoon to Wednesday, along with Jacky and Kristine. I had a very enjoyable week and very much enjoyed Jacky’s Qi Gong based movement practices. Jacky is doing a practice day around movement on 31st May, which…

My Cup Runneth Over

My Cup Runneth Over

Last weekend was our 10th anniversary celebration and I felt that the celebration manifested some key qualities of the Mindfulness Association: practice, presence, common humanity, compassionate messiness, kindness and joy. Qualities that Lana has captured beautifully in her documentary ‘Swimming Upstream: Ten Years of the Mindfulness Association’ that was premiered at the weekend. I am…


Mindful Surrender

I have spent this last week reflecting on how the current climate with the Coronavirus is making me feel, and ultimately, how I am responding to that. For me it began with some concern for the people who were at risk of dying of the virus.  I know several people who suffer with their health…


All in the mind

As I practice mindfulness, compassion and insight meditation more and more I recognise more and more how I create my own reality. If I wake up with the expectation that the day should be one way and it turns out a different way, I can easily create a reality that is unpleasant for me and…


Being Compassion

This last weekend I have been teaching a weekend for mindfulness teachers on the subject of doing less and being more in enquiry, with my good friend Jan Mayor. It is a stand-alone weekend, but it is also in preparation for the Compassion Based Living Course teaching skills retreat in April. As training in compassion often…