Follow the Evidence

Follow the Evidence

I have been questioned by some colleagues and criticised by some readers of my blog about promoting a vegan diet on the retreat I am leading this week and in my blog. When I was discussing this with colleagues last week, the view I arrived at was that within the Mindfulness Association ‘Compassion is at…



I guess you knew it would come at some time. My obligatory January blog advocating the advantages of adopting a more vegan lifestyle. Well here it is – Veganuary! I’ve not been watching much TV or listening to much radio, but vegan friends who have been tell me they are despairing over the mis-information that…

About Compassion in Action

This last week I have been leading a five day compassion retreat with Angie Ball and Jan Mayor, which is Part of our Mindfulness Level 2 – Responding with Compassion. A chance  for Compassion in Action! For me it was a great break from the usual busyness of my work life, with lots of opportunity…

Walking My Talk

I would like to live a long and healthy life, free of the main health problems that beset us in the West: heart disease, stroke, degenerative brain diseases, cancer and lung diseases. Would you? I would like to protect the environment from the effects of greenhouse gasses, deforestation and ocean dead zones. Would you? But…