
Mindful as a child

After quite a difficult time recently, including storm damage and various ailments, I was reminded of the magic of being in the moment once again by a child. This followed a period of acceptance of not being ok, and learning to be ok with not being ok. I also had the complete pleasure and privilege…


Mindfully Unwell

One of those strange phenomena of being human is that we get ill.  This body sometimes gets tired, and it also succumbs to a wide variety of viruses and bugs thrown at it daily. This body also has the possibility of becoming sick with diseases that can take us by surprise. I would regard myself…


Knowing the Mind

Mindfulness has been a fascinating tool for me, and every day I learn something new about my mind and myself.  What is certain is that what I discover is not always pretty, and in that I totally understand the value of self-kindness.  Without it, I would be a quivering wreck, not wanting to go out…

Finding Freedom Through Stress

Finding Freedom Through Stress

Just recently I have become very aware of stress.  It’s a bit sneaky is stress.  It just crept up on me when I wasn’t paying attention.  I was too busy to notice. When I did notice it – my body began to send me signals.  It usually lurks between my heart and solar plexus –…

Kitchen Table Mindfulness

Kitchen Table Mindfulness

When one is able to overcome the romantic and emotional attitude, one discovers truth even in the kitchen sink. Chögyam Trungpa This morning, with my bare feet planted onto the kitchen floor, flat and smooth, my small brown earthenware coffee cup warms my hands as I look into the windswept garden. It’s really blustery outside.…