mindful movement

Mindful Movement with Qigong

We practice mindful movement with the same attitude that we bring to sitting meditation, without striving or forcing. We practice accepting our body as we find it, in the present, from one moment to the next” Jon Kabat-Zinn   Whilst teaching QiGong at the Autumn Members Retreat, I was asked to recommend a book on…


Mindful Turning Points

Life is always at some turning point Irwin Edman   I have been reflecting on turning points. Those subtle moments when a shift happens which leads to change. There was a moment a week or so ago when I looked out the window and I could see a subtle change in the landscape. Something seemed…

Attitude? What Attitude?

Attitude? What Attitude?

Simple family exchanges are where I exercise my Mindfuness practice. Isn’t that just exactly where it’s all happening? Mindfulness has helped me so much with this unravelling which is a truly messy affair and takes a while, well, like forever, and I am deeply committed to that. The more I practice, the more I go…

saying yes

Saying Yes

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” ― Lao Tzu   You would think I had learned by now, wouldn’t you?  You would think I had learned how much suffering I cause myself…


Mental Logjam

This week my own challenge is to try to focus. I have an important document to write by next week. And I have this blog to write. I was going to write this blog about the document called “Initial Thoughts” I have to write next week because I thought it might help me galvanise my…

Whats holding you back

What’s holding you back?

TRAINING TO TEACH MINDFULNESS – THE MBLC RETREAT I don’t really want to be a teacher, I said, as I applied for the course. Fear was pulling me back, but something stronger was pulling me – compassion to share all this with others. Facing fears in the MBLC Teaching retreat, accepting, meeting and looking deeply…