MBLC-YA Sessions
- Your Amazing Mind
- Staying Present
- Dropping Anchor
- Distraction
- Undercurrent
- Attitude
- Self Acceptance
- Appreciation
- A Mindful Life
Each session explores themes such as ‘Your amazing mind’ (which looks at the developing adolescent brain with its different trajectories of emotional development and development of executive function and explains that our brains are hardwired for survival rather than happiness, so these tricky minds are ‘not our fault’), ‘Staying present’, ‘Dropping anchor’ into the present moment (using the support of breath, body or sound), distraction, attitude, appreciation, and what it might mean to live a mindful life – one that is in alignment with what we value.
Each session is accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation, and self-compassion (i.e. directing kindness towards ourselves then things are difficult) is woven throughout the fabric of the course. A comprehensive student manual accompanies the course in addition to a wide variety of online recorded practices for students to access.
We have a range of teachers who are qualified to teach this course. Please find a teacher using our FIND A TEACHER map here.
The MBLC is recognised as an eight week course in the BAMBA UK Good Practice Guidelines and those trained to teach it are eligible to join the UK Listing of Mindfulness Teachers.