Course Overview and Booking


Do you want to train to Train to Teach Mindfulness (CBLC)? This is an in-depth compassion teacher training taught over one weekend and a five day retreat  exploring each of the stages of the CBLC 8-week course. There will be strong focus on participants getting ‘hands on’ experience of delivering the course.


  • This course explores the rationales behind the practices and the way they fit together as a whole.
  • Feedback from participants and tutors on this course is given with reference to the domains of the Mindfulness Based Interventions Teaching Assessment Criteria (MBI-TAC).
  • Successful completion of this retreat provides participants with all they need to begin to deliver the CBLC 8-week course.
  • The CBLC retreat qualifies as an annual retreat under the ongoing requirements of UK good practice guidelines for mindfulness teachers.


Our courses are recognised by BAMBA and meet the UK Good Practice Guidelines.

Watch Kristine’s video to find out more

Choose your Level 3 Train to Teach Course

October 2025
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Course Information

Train to Teach Mindfulness (CBLC)

The rationale behind this retreat is to go through the 8 week course in a step by step manner ensuring that participants understand the rationales behind the practices and the way they fit together as a whole, and have experience in actually delivering them.

Feedback from participants and tutors on this course is given with reference to the domains of the Mindfulness Based Interventions Teaching Assessment Criteria (MBI-TAC), which are explored during this retreat.

During this course participants receive the curriculum including detailed lesson plans of the CBLC and the course manual, which they can copy and hand out to their course participants, as well as access to the audio of guided practices for the training.

Therefore, participants have all they need to begin to deliver the CBLC course by the end of this retreat.

If you have engaged in mindfulness training yourself and feel you have benefited, then what a wonderful opportunity to help share the benefits of mindfulness practice with others so they benefit too. As part of your mindfulness training, you may have noticed a personal transformation in terms of managing your own stress levels and increased wellbeing. By training to teach the 8-week Mindfulness Based Living

Course, we can help others to relieve their stress, manage pain and chronic illness, achieve their full potential and really flourish in their lives. By going through the teacher training and sharing the benefits of mindfulness with others our own practice and understanding of mindfulness grows. In turn, our practice deepens, and we reap the benefit too.

Continue your journey with our Mindfulness for Life programe and our continuing professional development weekends.

Please check individual retreats at the bottom of this page for the exact costs and times.

Teacher Training Information

The Compassion Based Living Course is a weekly Mindful Compassion course based on the Mindfulness Association’s Mindfulness Level 2 – Responding with Compassion.

The CBLC course is a lower intensity version of the Mindfulness Association’s Level 2 Mindfulness Training. It is an eight week course consisting of eight classes, which are typically two hours long, preceded by an introductory class before the eight week course begins and concluded by follow up class after the eight week course ends. A day of practice is also typically included between weeks 6 and 7.

The weekly themes are:

Week 1 – Why practice Compassion?
Week 2 – The Compassionate Mess
Week 3 – It’s not our fault: An evolutionary perspective
Week 4 – Creating conditions for Safeness
Week 5 – Befriending the self-critic
Week 6 – Finding the Compassionate friend within
Week 7 – The Four Immeasurable Qualities
Week 8 – Widening the Circle of Compassion Follow Up

This retreat is suitable for those who teach the MBLC and have delivered two MBLC courses under supervision and completed our Mindfulness Level 2 – Responding with Compassion 

If you are already a trained mindfulness teacher of other approaches, such as MBSR and MBCT, completion of the  Level 2: Responding with Compassion training will qualify you to join this retreat.

“The dedication and the compassion of the tutors was overwhelming. The course structure was excellent. The energy of the group – awesome.”

The Mindfulness Association has nearly 10 years of experience of delivery courses in the UK and Europe. All our tutors are very experienced and knowledgeable

We have a membership providing our practitioners and teachers with ongoing support. We provide a range of workshops and online sessions for mindfulness teachers to continue their professional development (CPD). Our tutors and courses comply with the UK Network for Mindfulness-Based Teacher Training Organisations (now BAMBA) who oversee the quality of mindfulness-based training in the UK. Our fully trained supervisors are available to support teachers through their training and when teaching.

“Immersive, deep learning and a true inspiration to be a part of the community of the MA”

Our mindfulness courses provide an in-depth, personal, experiential practice of mindfulness that are part of a lifelong journey.  We learn how to be presentrespond with compassion and see deeply into our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. This three-tiered approach enables you to embody your practice as a way of life. We also provide:

  • Mindfulness teacher training
  • Compassion teacher training
  • Annual mindfulness practice retreats
  • The opportunity to study mindfulness in depth on the MSc Studies in Mindfulness in partnership with The University of Aberdeen.
  • Weekend workshops for Continued Professional Development for Mindfulness teachers.


Our training is based on the work of Rob Nairn. Rob is one of the world pioneers in presenting meditation training in a way that is accessible to the Western mind. He was asked to teach meditation by the Dalai Lama. His experience of over forty years of teaching meditation to Westerners has enabled him to develop a unique secular training in mindfulness, and so the Mindfulness Association was created to support this.

We are one of the top mindfulness training providers in the UK. We have been delivering 100s of compassion-based mindfulness meditation courses over 10 years across the UK and Europe.

All our courses are secular and draw from a broad range of disciplines, including neuroscience, evolutionary psychology and Buddhism.