It is early Sunday morning and I am awake early in my cozy room at Samye Ling Tibetan centre. It is before the start of our second day of this MSc Studies in Mindfulness weekend.

So the entire tutor team from both years are here.
The first year students are beginning their Compassion training. The second year students are learning research skills as well as continuing their insight training. They are planning to do a small scale piece of research in preparation for their third year work based project or dissertation.
So the entire tutor team from both years are here.

Much of the time the two groups are training separately. They come together, however, for three hour long practice sessions over the weekend, as well as a Saturday evening social.
The social was a quiz and Beetle drive (no insects were harmed!). We had four rounds: general and mindfulness quotes, identify the mindfulness book title, sub-title and authors from the pictures used on the book, general knowledge questions and identify the practice from an audio clip.

We had mixed teams of first and second year students and a tutor team. In between each round we did a beetle drive and the prize was chocolate!
We are planning to run a similar event at the Eskdalemuir community hub, followed by a disco, on the Saturday evening of our Mindfulness Association Conference in July. The event will be in aid of the Everyone Project. So why not come and join us?
It is very exciting times. Before the weekend Choden and I met with our communications team Jacky and Duncan and our community engagement advisor Kirstie. We met here at a frosty and sunny Samye Ling.

Our task was to work on our strategies for supporting our wonderful members and engaging with them and the wider community to continue to share the benefits of compassion and insight based mindfulness practice. There are some exciting ideas emerging.
I am excited about our second book coming out: From Mindfulness to Insight, co-written with Rob Nairn and Choden. Rob is coming over to the U.K. in July and we are planning a mini book tour.
The three of us are going to Scarborough, London and of course the conference at Samye Ling. I am so looking forward to sharing this precious time with Rob and Choden. My MA co-founders and dear friends.
I am excited about a new collaboration with a corporate leadership training organisation to bring our mindfulness to large corporations, which we have had meetings about this weekend.
There are also some exciting prospects for bringing mindfulness into the Scottish politics in collaboration with the main mindfulness training organisations in Scotland, which we have been meeting about recently.
Then there is the Everyone Project Charity which could take off in a big way if our ideas for funding come to fruition.
Exciting times all around! It could be overwhelming, but my mindfulness practice helps me to stay grounded. I take one thing at a time. I stay in touch with my feet supported unconditionally upon the ground. I smile gently with my mouth and up to my eyes and this brings joy.
Why not join me in this practice in the face of overwhelm – positive or negative – move around our day in touch with the ground with smiling eyes – as best we can taking one thing at a time.
Kind Wishes