Articles and blog posts written by team members, tutors and supervisors of the Mindfulness Association about how they bring mindfulness into their lives.
I am moving house again to live on the coast in Yorkshire. I made the decision at Christmas when I was there staying with my sister Helen (my support bubble). I have loved living in Scotland, just up the road from Samye Ling, and have been quite happy and content. However, with Samye Ling shut…
“The human condition – lost in thought.” Eckhart Tolle This last week, I have noticed that I have been reflecting on Mindfulness itself. The more I am invited to share my practice with others, the more curious I become. It’s become a new habit and a new auto-pilot. It was very interesting to notice that.…
Recently I have learned the importance of rest for the first time in my life. Sure I took holidays and enjoyed sitting in the sunshine reading. But generally, I was always ‘doing’. For years my friends and family would tell me to rest. But I was one of those busy people who got things done.…
“Our biological rhythms are the symphony of the cosmos, music embedded deep within us to which we dance, even when we can’t name the tune.” Deepak Chopra I can feel the rhythm of the cycle. I can feel the pulse of spring. Its familiarity warms me amidst memories of a year of extreme change, like…
As we come to the anniversary of the first lockdown in the UK, there is much to look back on. One highlight of the year has been our daily sit, which began at 7pm on Monday 16th March 2020. It has happened every evening since (except those two or three evenings when we tutors forgot…
Over the last few weeks every day feels like groundhog day (Actually, I recommend this as a great movie with Bill Murray for cheering yourself up!). I wake up, turn the electric heater on, press the snooze button on my phone three times to give the room time to warm up, get up, put something…
We have had a lot of snow and ice in January and more snow and ice so far in February and for at least the next week. Thankfully my MAHQ friends bought me some snow boots for my birthday at New Year. They have been well used! However, I have caught myself moaning quite a…
As this current lockdown progresses and the implications of the pandemic for our day to day life in the longer term become more apparent it is easy to become overwhelmed. As human beings we have a negativity bias which orients us to over-focus on threats and challenges and many of us may notice this in…
When Kristine joined the Board of the Mindfulness Association, one of the tasks she was passionate about was bringing our equality, diversity and inclusion policy to life. I have been very keen to support her in this work as I think it is important that we all walk our talk, rather than paying lip service…