Articles and blog posts written by team members, tutors and supervisors of the Mindfulness Association about how they bring mindfulness into their lives.


Planning on Retreat

I was on retreat last week at Purelands retreat centre near to Samye Ling. The retreat was led very skilfully by Lama Zangmo and the main theme was impermanence. The problem with us humans is that we believe things will stay the same and don’t generally like change. We also believe we can control our…


Mindfulness Teacher Continuing Professional Development

Course Overview and Booking An important part of any job that we do is continued professional development (CPD).  We need this to enhance our skills, deepen into our role and learn new skills connected with our profession. Our Mindfulness Teacher Continuing Professional Development weekends are a great option for all the Mindfulness teachers out there.…

Train to Teach Mindfulness (CBLC) – Level 3

Course Overview and Booking   Do you want to train to Train to Teach Mindfulness (CBLC)? This is an in-depth compassion teacher training taught over one weekend and a five day retreat  exploring each of the stages of the CBLC 8-week course. There will be strong focus on participants getting ‘hands on’ experience of delivering the…

Train to Teach Mindfulness (MBLC) – Level 2

Course Overview and Booking   To teach Mindfulness MBLC you can join our Teaching Skills Retreat, on completion of level 1. It is an in-depth training retreat over five – seven days exploring each of the stages of the MBLC 8-week course. There is a strong focus on participants getting ‘hands on’ experience of delivering course.…

Train to Teach Mindfulness – Level 1

Course Overview and Booking   Do you want to train to teach Mindfulness? Our Teaching Level 1 course aims to support participants to begin developing a safe and effective mindfulness teaching practice.   This course: provides participants with opportunities to lead guided practices and enquiry with fellow participants in a safe environment. Feedback is from…

Noticing Awareness

Forgotten practices

I had a wonderful time at our conference earlier this month. It felt like a coming of age. We were our own keynotes, without needing to import big names in from the US. We acknowledged our roots with warm and insightful sessions with Rob Nairn. We acknowledged the success of our Masters students and their…

MBLC Teachers

New MBLC teachers

I have just completed delivering the 6 day Mindfulness Based Living Course teaching skills retreat and seen a new cohort of embodied mindfulness teachers committed to sharing the benefits of compassion based mindfulness with their communities. It was a wonderful week working with my friends and colleagues Choden, Barbara Reid and Alan Hughes – what…

Weeding out Unworthiness

So, this is a tricky one – it’s present, so here goes.  Recently I have noticed my sense of unworthiness coming up more frequently than I’d like to admit! Tara Brach talks about “the trance of unworthiness” that we can find ourselves in! My teacher, Lama Yeshe tells me to “keep doing the weeding”.  What…