Articles and blog posts written by team members, tutors and supervisors of the Mindfulness Association about how they bring mindfulness into their lives.

Mindful Musings in India

I am in India this week for year four of a six or seven year training in Mahamudra meditation. The teachings are from Tai Situpa Rinpoche, the latest in a lineage of teachers that can be traced back to the historical Buddha Shakyamuni. The teachings were systematised 500 years ago, based on teachings brought to…


Ambling along in Engaged Mindfulness

On Saturday I travelled from Scotland to London for the People’s Vote march. I stopped on the way in Manchester to join my daughter Jen and my friend Jan. This is part of my commitment to ‘Engaged Mindfulness’. By turning to face this sometimes overwhelming issue, and from my compassionate motivation, I marched today for…

So, What is Fear?

I have been beset by feelings of anxiety over the last few weeks. My recent blogs have described how my mindfulness and compassion meditation practice have helped me. They have enabled me to turn towards and experience the anxiety. They have enabled me to look after myself, in my meditation practice and in my daily…

The Hardest Part

On a recent retreat a well-intentioned participant informed me that my drive system was overactive. She was referring to the three-circle model of Prof. Paul Gilbert which is part of our Mindfulness Level 2 – Responding with Compassion. This model postulates three psychological systems: a threat system, which triggers the fight, flight, freeze response when…


Random Acts of Mindfulness

I have found myself travelling a lot over this past few weeks. Some of my journeys have been challenging, in various ways. During these challenging times I have been very grateful for my mindfulness practice. Interesting I have found that my practice has not only for my own wellbeing but, inadvertently, benefited others too. In…


Mindfulness Friends

Today I am traveling from Lockerbie to Newcastle to have lunch with my friend Barbara, who is traveling from Peterborough. We do this several times a year to stay in touch. Barbara is my oldest Mindfulness friend. We met in 2008, in Bangor, Wales on the Foundation module of the MSc in Mindfulness Based Approaches. The…