Articles and blog posts written by team members, tutors and supervisors of the Mindfulness Association about how they bring mindfulness into their lives.

mindful holiday

Mindful Holiday

I am a week into a two week winter sun getaway to Cyprus. Away from the busyness of work I am noticing a lot of inner-critic dialogue along with an underlying feeling of being a failure.  I am aware of a constant vigilance for instances where I might be subject to humiliation. Moreover I appear…

Mindfulness of Stress and Trying too Hard

I did it again. I just fell into the stress and striving trap. Having read Heather’s recent blogs Mindfulness Meditation in the Face of Stress and Mindfulness at Christmas, it made me realise how vulnerable we are to the constant onslaught of life’s ‘stuff’ that can make us react.  Since beginning the new role of Communications…

About Compassion in Action

This last week I have been leading a five day compassion retreat with Angie Ball and Jan Mayor, which is Part of our Mindfulness Level 2 – Responding with Compassion. A chance  for Compassion in Action! For me it was a great break from the usual busyness of my work life, with lots of opportunity…