Articles and blog posts written by team members, tutors and supervisors of the Mindfulness Association about how they bring mindfulness into their lives.


What is Buddhism?

A Personal View Next month, in April, I’m going to be teaching on a course with Choden (mindfulness teacher, Buddhist monk, author and old friend) on “The Practice of Buddhism”, which I’ve been asked to write a few words about.  Where to start!  Buddhism has been around for over two and half thousand years, after…


Naturally Being Blog

I am sitting in a retreat led by Rupert Spira this week, at home, online. Rupert Spira teaches the direct path and pathless path to non-dual awareness or naturally being. I relate to his teachings very strongly and find that his style is similar to the style of my first and main meditation teacher Rob…


Mindful Qigong

Our bodies are built to move, so by integrating movement into our daily lives can benefit us more than we realise. If we just moved gently for 3 minutes every hour, it would help us clear the mind and increase our energy levels. Qigong is an ancient art of movement, developed thousands of years ago…


Mindfulness and Stress

A friend of mine, who’s also a long-term meditator, recently fessed up that she’s often a bit embarrassed to admit when she is feeling stressed. If mindfulness helps with stress (and it does, as has been shown in research studies countless times), then shouldn’t she be continuously cool and ‘zen’ by now, rather than let…

Going on Retreat

Going on Retreat

Over the past couple of weeks I have taught two six day retreats. The first one was hybrid, with some people attending in person at the Samye Ling Tibetan centre and some people attending online. The second retreat was completely online. Before the pandemic we didn’t teach retreats online, but like everything else we did,…

letting go

Letting Go

“Notice that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.” Friedrich Nietzsche   Autumn is announcing its arrival in many forms. I am observing changes in colour –  leaves just tinged with gold, a different feel in the air – maybe a coolness, different sounds as the migrating birds start to fly…