Articles and blog posts written by team members, tutors and supervisors of the Mindfulness Association about how they bring mindfulness into their lives.

September’s New Beginnings

I spent this last weekend at Samye Ling with Fay, Kristine, Jane and staff from the University of Aberdeen and our new cohort of MSc students. They are a friendly group  who are committed to developing their Mindfulness and Compassion practice with whom we explored the core sitting practice of intention & motivation, settling, grounding,…

Practice The Pause

Recently on my Facebook feed, one of those beautifully scripted nuggets of prophetic wisdom came through and caught my attention: Practice the Pause Oh, the pause… the pause has helped me out in so many instances. I don’t always remember the pause, but when I do I am grateful for it. So, what is this…

Falling Leaves

It’s that time of year again, the landscape is slowly turning, colours are changing and there is a chill in the air most mornings that sometimes lasts all day. The last cling of Summer is slowly giving way to a season of quiet rest. And it is in this transitional time of Autumn where we…

Settling the Unsettled

I am not sure exactly how they measure these things, but popular belief is that in any given day we have between 60 000- 70 000 thoughts (Salla, 2000; Trieschmann, 2001; Williams 2014). That is a lot of thought energy flowing in and out, enticing us to engage, to move away from what is actually…

Gratitude and Appreciation

Last week I was at Samye Ling teaching the first Compassion Based Living Course (CBLC) teaching skills retreat. So we now have 21 Compassion teachers trained to teach the course, ready to share the transformative power of Compassion, which is wonderful. During the retreat we work in groups with each person delivering part of the…

The Everyone Project

At our Compassion in Action weekend, we will be launching the Mindfulness Association’s “Everyone Project”, which is aimed at providing eight week MBLC courses to groups who would benefit from Mindfulness but who otherwise would not be able to access Mindfulness training. We have a pool of hundreds of Mindfulness teachers that we have trained to…

Mindful Ageing

Is it me or do long term Mindfulness practitioners age more slowly than the general population?   One thing we all have in common is that we are all getting old, and a set of interesting research is emerging to suggest that lifestyle changes, such as those that come about through Mindfulness practice, can help…

Happy New Year!

At this time of year many people begin thinking about making New Year’s resolutions. However, it is important to remember Rob Nairn’s wise words that ‘There is nothing wrong with you’.  This feeling can get lost amid all of the media hype of new year, new you!   That said, the coming of the New…