Articles and blog posts written by team members, tutors and supervisors of the Mindfulness Association about how they bring mindfulness into their lives.


Compassion – The True Path to Happiness

I always remember a quote from the Tibetan Buddhist leader the Dalai Lama, which says that a wise person who wants to be happy learns to practice compassion. In essence he is saying that a compassionate person is a happy person. As you hear this idea, do questions come up? Maybe you have questions that…


Living Well to Die Well

This topic has interested me for some time. How do we live well and in the living well prepare ourselves to die well, support those that we love to die well and navigate our own process of bereavement when we lose a loved one? My own Buddhist practice of reflecting daily on the ‘Four thoughts…


January Blues

At this time of year, after the festivities of the year end, dark nights and spring being a while away, we can feel a bit low. One way to address this is to spend some time reflecting on activities that raise our mood and activities that lower our mood. Then get a blank piece of…


A New Start?

Often in January we get a sense of a new year, a new start and set some New Years’ resolutions – drink less alcohol, eat more fruit and veg, get more sleep, be more active, etc. Sometimes these resolutions last, but often not. We lapse, relapse and give up. What is becoming clearer from psychological…


Mindfulness for Busy Lives

A growing body of research tells us that the busier we are, the more we may need mindfulness. But this is a catch 22 you might say? Because the more busy we are the less time we have to practice. Well I have many answers to that! Did you know that you can deliberately shift…


Kindling Contentment

For some reason, I vividly remember a conversation I had with a friend when I was about 16 years old, where we discussed contentment. Tevredenheid in Dutch, and considering that word now, I can still taste the flavour of contempt we had for it. “Who would be satisfied with that?!” we wondered out loud. Wouldn’t it…