Articles and blog posts written by team members, tutors and supervisors of the Mindfulness Association about how they bring mindfulness into their lives.
‘How often do you sit in your practice feeling like it’s your fault and your responsibility to fix it – whatever ‘it’ is on a given day?’ Read this blog to find out why compassion in action can be key to lifting this feeling. Within our Engaged Mindfulness course, we will look with fresh and…
Over years of practicing mindfulness meditation, I’ve seen how apparently stuck emotions can shape-shift, I’ve experienced long term physical pain dissolve in a moment and I’ve watched as my mind reveals extraordinary creative and blissful experiences which restore and bring new vivacity. I’ve also seen how a basic level of wellbeing and appreciation for life…
There is a ruined old farmhouse in Northumberland called Blawearie. The name, apparently, means “tired of the wind”. Living on the North Yorkshire coast, I understand the sentiment behind this name and use if frequently, when day after day there is a relentless wind that rattles my bones, frazzles my energy and is a real…
I have been pondering on all that is invisible. Having recently considered and reflected on the concept of space whilst taking part in the Wisdom course, it has triggered many insights which are just popping up of their own accord. At the moment, every day I am hearing that someone I know has…
Among all the definitions of mindfulness, the one that I particularly like I came across years ago in one of Pema Chodron‘s many books (and I can’t remember which one!). It says that mindfulness is loving all the details of our lives. I guess that’s at the heart of my motivation to practice bringing mindfulness…
After quite a difficult time recently, including storm damage and various ailments, I was reminded of the magic of being in the moment once again by a child. This followed a period of acceptance of not being ok, and learning to be ok with not being ok. I also had the complete pleasure and privilege…
Whether you celebrate it or not, how are you feeling about the approaching festive season? Is there a sense of joyful anticipation? Or perhaps you are experiencing a growing dread or increasing stress levels? Remember that there is nothing wrong with this and many of us experience challenging emotions at this time of the year.…
Whether you celebrate it or not, how are you feeling about the approaching festive season? Whatever you are feeling why not use the festive season to practice mindfulness with your family and friends? This can be a way to connect with others in a simple and joyful way. Here are some ideas for friends and…
Often in life we will find that people let us down or hurt us, often this is unintentional but unpleasant nonetheless. We can also find ourselves holding onto to these feelings and experiences. This is normal, after all we are evolutionarily programmed to retain negative experiences more so than we do positive ones. This is…