Articles and blog posts written by team members, tutors and supervisors of the Mindfulness Association about how they bring mindfulness into their lives.
Mindfulness has been a fascinating tool for me, and every day I learn something new about my mind and myself. What is certain is that what I discover is not always pretty, and in that I totally understand the value of self-kindness. Without it, I would be a quivering wreck, not wanting to go out…
Just recently I have become very aware of stress. It’s a bit sneaky is stress. It just crept up on me when I wasn’t paying attention. I was too busy to notice. When I did notice it – my body began to send me signals. It usually lurks between my heart and solar plexus –…
Two weeks have passed now since my first mindfulness course and I’m reflecting now on how the course has impacted my life. I can definitely see that I am becoming more mindful, particularly when it comes to being reactive. I’ve been noticing that when events happen which cause me to feel a rise in emotions…
We practice mindful movement with the same attitude that we bring to sitting meditation, without striving or forcing. We practice accepting our body as we find it, in the present, from one moment to the next” Jon Kabat-Zinn Whilst teaching QiGong at the Autumn Members Retreat, I was asked to recommend a book on…
Hi There, welcome back to my Mindful Futures blog! Over the weekend I took part in my first ever mindfulness course, the level one being present. I really enjoyed myself, admittedly more than I was expecting to. I think my dog also quite enjoyed it, she spent the first day sat by my side snoozing…
Fear and love seldom stand, shoulder to shoulder; Its rare to laugh and lie in the same breath. But strength and weakness, failure and success, faith and desolation – they are different ends of a single stick. To pick one up is to receive both poles – stark contrasts contribute to a knowledge of the…
Life is always at some turning point Irwin Edman I have been reflecting on turning points. Those subtle moments when a shift happens which leads to change. There was a moment a week or so ago when I looked out the window and I could see a subtle change in the landscape. Something seemed…
Back again staring at the empty word document but with a better idea of how to write a blog this time! I’ve been moving house this week from my little student house in the city to somewhere much nicer. This has simultaneously been very exciting and immensely stressful, there’s a huge element of lack of…
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” ― Lao Tzu You would think I had learned by now, wouldn’t you? You would think I had learned how much suffering I cause myself…