I am very fortunate to have many good friends around me, my family, many that I work with and many that I practice with. Their love, support and kindness helps me to keep going, especially when things get tough. They remind me of common humanity, that I am not alone on this path, especially when I feel alone.
I was at Samye Ling at the weekend for the 50th anniversary tea party with 100s of other people connected with Samye Ling. I feel very fortunate that the Mindfulness Association has its foundations there and is a secular part of a wider spiritual community of practitioners.
If you haven’t seen it, here is a short ‘highlights video’ of our recent conference at Samye Ling:
I love to watch this as it shows beautifully the harmony between Samye Ling and our wonderful membership community of Mindfulness practitioners. Please pass the video on to those who you think might be interested.
I have a particularly dear dharma sister who is my practice buddy. We text each other most days to share how we are, how our practice is, but especially to send each other love and support. I generally text her when I first get up, just before I start my practice and am often delighted to read her reply at the end of my practice. Her texts are so eloquent and full of love, they make me smile and I feel that we are walking this path together, often in happiness and sometimes in unhappiness – it feels completely unconditional.
I would recommend all practitioners to find a practice buddy to text, ring or somehow practice with.
I notice sometimes how I take the love and support of those dear to me for granted. My intention is to appreciate them all as I am very fortunate to have them. When I practice appreciation and gratitude for those around me I notice that I love them more and dwell less on what annoys me about them – an unskillful habit of mine.
We can all take time to appreciate our loved ones – even the annoying ones – there is always more to understand about ourselves and our relationships – drawing on Rumi – “Be grateful for whoever comes, Because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.”
Kind Wishes,
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