Giving thanks for abundance
is sweeter than the abundance itself:
Should one who is absorbed with the Generous One
be distracted by the gift?
Thankfulness is the soul of beneficence;
abundance is but the husk,
for thankfulness brings you to the place where the Beloved lives.
Abundance yields heedlessness;
thankfulness brings alertness:
hunt for bounty with the net of gratitude.
by Rumi, translated by Kabir Helminski and Camille Helminski
What is it with Rumi?! When I read some of his poems, I feel like my brain flips over! This poem is one such. It’s like he’s writing from a place so much more vast, connected to a reality so much beyond my usual ‘known’, that rational thinking just gives up. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing left. When I drop into the body, I find all kinds of goings on. With this poem I’m uplifted, something rises in my heart wanting to heed the call Rumi is making, recognising a truth and pushing towards the possibility of it.
So, let’s grapple with this. What comes first, gratitude or abundance? And further, what comes first, gratitude or contentment? We assume that being grateful is something that arises without our conscious involvement and as a result of something good happening. But what if the state of gratitude is its own reward, generating a perception of an abundance around us? And what if we can choose deliberately to enter into it more? Something good becomes visible to us by allowing gratitude’s glowing warmth to embrace us into an abundant world.
‘Hunt for bounty with the net of gratitude’ is Rumi’s parting line. Well this much is clear – practicing gratitude is recommended. Letting gratitude be a net in which you can catch the abundance, beauty and poignancy of life moment to moment. But I sense that what Rumi really wants to do is to beckon us towards this instruction: relish getting caught in the net yourself, get caught into the net of ‘the Generous One’; be lifted into being and surrendering to the essential abundance of life.
Ps. Our mindfulness and compassion training pathway teaches you how to bring gratitude alive in your own life. Check it out here.
Photo by Herbert Grambihler on Unsplash