Words of WonderWhat are you waiting for - Kai Siedenburg

What powerful seeds
lie dormant
deep within you,
to break through
the surface
and reach
their slender stems
toward the light?

What tender buds
are swelling
inside you,
yearning to unfurl
their radiant petals
and reveal their
hidden beauty?

What songs and stories
are swirling
deep within
your breast?
What wild
and magical dreams
are stirring your soul?

What are you
waiting for,
dear one?
The world is hungry
for your beauty,
calling you
to bring forth
your deepest gifts.

by Kai Siedenburg


How about that for a question to pause with: ‘what are you waiting for?’ Other than a habitual, ubiquitous fear, I’m not finding any good reasons for the ways I’m still curled tight into a bud. And hearing or reading these words at the right time, in the right place, might just be that extra little nudge to soften into the blossoming that Ecotherapist, nature connection guide and writer Kai Siedenburg is pointing to. What is it like to hear the encouragement that the world is hungry for what you have to offer? Time to go forth gently, nourished by the simple presence of practice…


PS. ,,, and what better thing than to practice together! Join us for free practice sessions, any day…

Photo by Sergiu Vălenaș on Unsplash